Class Table

  extended by org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptableObject
      extended by com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.javascript.SimpleScriptable
          extended by
              extended by
                  extended by
                      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
ScriptableWithFallbackGetter,, org.mozilla.javascript.ConstProperties, org.mozilla.javascript.debug.DebuggableObject, org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable

public class Table
extends RowContainer

A JavaScript object representing a Table.

$Revision: 1.3 $
David D. Kilzer, Mike Bowler, Daniel Gredler, Chris Erskine, Marc Guillemot, Ahmed Ashour
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptableObject
Fields inherited from interface org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable
Constructor Summary
 Create an instance.
Method Summary
 void jsConstructor()
 Javascript constructor.
 java.lang.Object jsxFunction_createCaption()
 If this table does not have a caption, this method creates an empty table caption, adds it to the table and then returns it.
 java.lang.Object jsxFunction_createTFoot()
 If this table does not have a tfoot element, this method creates an empty tfoot element, adds it to the table and then returns it.
 java.lang.Object jsxFunction_createTHead()
 If this table does not have a thead element, this method creates an empty thead element, adds it to the table and then returns it.
 void jsxFunction_deleteCaption()
 Deletes this table's caption.
 void jsxFunction_deleteTFoot()
 Deletes this table's tfoot element.
 void jsxFunction_deleteTHead()
 Deletes this table's thead element.
 void jsxFunction_refresh()
 Refreshes the content of this table.
 java.lang.Object jsxGet_caption()
 Returns the table's caption element, or null if none exists.
 java.lang.String jsxGet_cellPadding()
 Returns the cellPadding attribute.
 java.lang.String jsxGet_cellSpacing()
 Returns the cellSpacing attribute.
 java.lang.Object jsxGet_tBodies()
 Returns the tbody's in the table.
 java.lang.Object jsxGet_tFoot()
 Returns the table's tfoot element, or null if none exists.
 java.lang.Object jsxGet_tHead()
 Returns the table's thead element, or null if none exists.
 java.lang.String jsxGet_width()
 Returns the width attribute.
 void jsxSet_cellPadding(java.lang.String cellPadding)
 Sets the cellPadding attribute.
 void jsxSet_cellSpacing(java.lang.String cellSpacing)
 Sets the cellSpacing attribute.
 void jsxSet_width(java.lang.String width)
 Sets the width attribute.
Methods inherited from class
jsxFunction_deleteRow, jsxFunction_insertRow, jsxFunction_moveRow, jsxGet_rows
Methods inherited from class
addComponentRequest, clearComponentRequest, compareVersions, doComponentRequest, getAvailHeight, getAvailWidth, getBufferDepth, getColorDepth, getComponentVersion, getConnectionType, getCookieEnabled, getCpuClass, getHeight, getJavaEnabled, getPlatform, getSystemLanguage, getUserLanguage, getWidth, getWithFallback, isComponentInstalled, isHomePage, jsxFunction_addBehavior, jsxFunction_getAttribute, jsxFunction_getAttributeNode, jsxFunction_getBoundingClientRect, jsxFunction_getClientRects, jsxFunction_getElementsByTagName, jsxFunction_insertAdjacentElement, jsxFunction_insertAdjacentHTML, jsxFunction_removeAttribute, jsxFunction_removeBehavior, jsxFunction_scrollIntoView, jsxFunction_setAttribute, jsxFunction_setAttributeNode, jsxGet_all, jsxGet_children, jsxGet_className, jsxGet_currentStyle, jsxGet_disabled, jsxGet_id, jsxGet_innerHTML, jsxGet_innerText, jsxGet_localName, jsxGet_namespaceURI, jsxGet_offsetHeight, jsxGet_offsetLeft, jsxGet_offsetParent, jsxGet_offsetTop, jsxGet_offsetWidth, jsxGet_onblur, jsxGet_onclick, jsxGet_oncontextmenu, jsxGet_ondblclick, jsxGet_onfocus, jsxGet_onkeydown, jsxGet_onkeypress, jsxGet_onkeyup, jsxGet_onmousedown, jsxGet_onmousemove, jsxGet_onmouseout, jsxGet_onmouseover, jsxGet_onmouseup, jsxGet_onresize, jsxGet_outerHTML, jsxGet_ownerDocument, jsxGet_parentElement, jsxGet_prefix, jsxGet_runtimeStyle, jsxGet_scrollHeight, jsxGet_scrollLeft, jsxGet_scrollTop, jsxGet_scrollWidth, jsxGet_style, jsxGet_tagName, jsxGet_title, jsxSet_className, jsxSet_disabled, jsxSet_id, jsxSet_innerHTML, jsxSet_innerText, jsxSet_onblur, jsxSet_onclick, jsxSet_oncontextmenu, jsxSet_ondblclick, jsxSet_onfocus, jsxSet_onkeydown, jsxSet_onkeypress, jsxSet_onkeyup, jsxSet_onmousedown, jsxSet_onmousemove, jsxSet_onmouseout, jsxSet_onmouseover, jsxSet_onmouseup, jsxSet_onresize, jsxSet_outerHTML, jsxSet_scrollLeft, jsxSet_scrollTop, jsxSet_title, navigateHomePage, setDomNode, setHomePage, startDownload, toString
Methods inherited from class
executeEvent, fireEvent, getEventHandler, jsxFunction_addEventListener, jsxFunction_appendChild, jsxFunction_attachEvent, jsxFunction_cloneNode, jsxFunction_detachEvent, jsxFunction_hasChildNodes, jsxFunction_insertBefore, jsxFunction_isSameNode, jsxFunction_removeChild, jsxFunction_removeEventListener, jsxFunction_replaceChild, jsxGet_childNodes, jsxGet_firstChild, jsxGet_lastChild, jsxGet_nextSibling, jsxGet_nodeName, jsxGet_nodeType, jsxGet_nodeValue, jsxGet_parentNode, jsxGet_previousSibling, jsxSet_nodeValue, setEventHandler
Methods inherited from class com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.javascript.SimpleScriptable
get, getBooleanArg, getClassName, getDefaultValue, getDomNodeOrDie, getDomNodeOrNull, getHtmlElementOrDie, getHtmlElementOrNull, getIntArg, getObjectArg, getStringArg, makeScriptableFor, setHtmlElement
Methods inherited from class org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptableObject
associateValue, avoidObjectDetection, callMethod, callMethod, defineClass, defineClass, defineClass, defineConst, defineConstProperty, defineFunctionProperties, defineProperty, defineProperty, defineProperty, defineProperty, delete, delete, deleteProperty, deleteProperty, get, getAllIds, getAssociatedValue, getAttributes, getAttributes, getAttributes, getAttributes, getClassPrototype, getDefaultValue, getFunctionPrototype, getGetterOrSetter, getIds, getObjectPrototype, getParentScope, getProperty, getProperty, getPropertyIds, getPrototype, getTopLevelScope, getTopScopeValue, has, has, hasInstance, hasProperty, hasProperty, isConst, isSealed, put, put, putConst, putConstProperty, putProperty, putProperty, redefineProperty, sealObject, setAttributes, setAttributes, setAttributes, setAttributes, setGetterOrSetter, setParentScope, setPrototype
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable
delete, delete, get, get, getClassName, getDefaultValue, getIds, getParentScope, getPrototype, has, has, hasInstance, put, put, setParentScope, setPrototype

Constructor Detail


public Table()
Create an instance.

Method Detail


public void jsConstructor()
Javascript constructor. This must be declared in every JavaScript file because the Rhino engine won't walk up the hierarchy looking for constructors.

jsConstructor in class RowContainer


public java.lang.Object jsxFunction_createCaption()
If this table does not have a caption, this method creates an empty table caption, adds it to the table and then returns it. If one or more captions already exist, this method returns the first existing caption.

a newly added caption if no caption exists, or the first existing caption.
See Also:
MSDN Documentation


public java.lang.Object jsxFunction_createTFoot()
If this table does not have a tfoot element, this method creates an empty tfoot element, adds it to the table and then returns it. If this table already has a tfoot element, this method returns the existing tfoot element.

a newly added caption if no caption exists, or the first existing caption.
See Also:
MSDN Documentation


public java.lang.Object jsxFunction_createTHead()
If this table does not have a thead element, this method creates an empty thead element, adds it to the table and then returns it. If this table already has a thead element, this method returns the existing thead element.

a newly added caption if no caption exists, or the first existing caption.
See Also:
MSDN Documentation


public void jsxFunction_deleteCaption()
Deletes this table's caption. If the table has multiple captions, this method deletes only the first caption. If this table does not have any captions, this method does nothing.

See Also:
MSDN Documentation


public void jsxFunction_deleteTFoot()
Deletes this table's tfoot element. If the table has multiple tfoot elements, this method deletes only the first tfoot element. If this table does not have any tfoot elements, this method does nothing.

See Also:
MSDN Documentation


public void jsxFunction_deleteTHead()
Deletes this table's thead element. If the table has multiple thead elements, this method deletes only the first thead element. If this table does not have any thead elements, this method does nothing.

See Also:
MSDN Documentation


public void jsxFunction_refresh()
Refreshes the content of this table.

See Also:
MSDN Documentation


public java.lang.Object jsxGet_caption()
Returns the table's caption element, or null if none exists. If more than one caption is declared in the table, this method returns the first one.

the table's caption element.


public java.lang.String jsxGet_cellPadding()
Returns the cellPadding attribute.

the cellPadding attribute.


public java.lang.String jsxGet_cellSpacing()
Returns the cellSpacing attribute.

the cellSpacing attribute.


public java.lang.Object jsxGet_tBodies()
Returns the tbody's in the table.

The tbody's in the table.


public java.lang.Object jsxGet_tFoot()
Returns the table's tfoot element, or null if none exists. If more than one tfoot is declared in the table, this method returns the first one.

the table's tfoot element.


public java.lang.Object jsxGet_tHead()
Returns the table's thead element, or null if none exists. If more than one thead is declared in the table, this method returns the first one.

the table's thead element.


public java.lang.String jsxGet_width()
Returns the width attribute.

the width attribute.


public void jsxSet_cellPadding(java.lang.String cellPadding)
Sets the cellPadding attribute.

cellPadding - The cellPadding attribute.


public void jsxSet_cellSpacing(java.lang.String cellSpacing)
Sets the cellSpacing attribute.

cellSpacing - The cellSpacing attribute.


public void jsxSet_width(java.lang.String width)
Sets the width attribute.

width - The width attribute.

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