
Implementations of the various javascript host objects - users of HtmlUnit shouldn't need anything in this package.


Class Summary
ActiveXObject This is the host object that allows javascript to instantiate java objects via the ActiveXObject constructor.
Anchor The javascript object that represents an anchor
Attribute A JavaScript object for an Attribute.
Button The javascript object that represents a button (<button type=...
CharacterDataImpl A javascript object for CharacterData.
Document A JavaScript object for a Document.
DocumentFragment A JavaScript object for DocumentFragment.
DOMImplementation A JavaScript object for DOMImplementation.
Event JavaScript object representing an Event that is passed into Event Handlers when they are invoked.
EventHandler Allows to wrap event handler code as Function object.
FocusableHostElement An abstract base class for javascript objects that implement blur() and focus().
FormField Base class for all javascript object corresponding to form fields.
FrameSet Wrapper for the HTML element "frameset".
History A javascript object for a Screen
HTMLElement The javascript object "HTMLElement" which is the base class for all HTML objects.
HTMLFormElement A JavaScript object for a Form.
HTMLFrameElement A JavaScript object for a HtmlFrame and HtmlInlineFrame.
HTMLInputElement The javascript object for form input elements (html tag <input ...
HTMLSelectElement The javascript object for HtmlSelect.
HTMLTextAreaElement The javascript object that represents a textarea
Image The javascript object that represents an "Image"
Location A JavaScript object for a Location.
MouseEvent JavaScript object representing a Mouse Event.
Navigator A javascript object for a Navigator.
NodeImpl The javascript object "NodeImpl" which is the base class for all DOM objects.
Option The javascript object that represents an option.
Popup A JavaScript object for IE's Popu.
RowContainer Superclass for all row-containing JavaScript host classes, including tables, table headers, table bodies and table footers.
Screen A javascript object for a Screen.
Script The JavaScript object that represents a "script".
Style A JavaScript object for a Style.
Stylesheet A JavaScript object for a Stylesheet (currently minimal implementation).
Table A JavaScript object representing a Table.
TableBody A JavaScript object representing a table body.
TableCell The JavaScript object representing a TD or TH.
TableFooter A JavaScript object representing a table footer.
TableHeader A JavaScript object representing a table header.
TableRow A JavaScript object representing a TR.
TextImpl A javascript object for Text.
TextRectangle Specifies a rectangle that contains a line of text in either an element or a TextRange object.
Window A JavaScript object for a Window.
XMLHttpRequest A JavaScript object for a XMLHttpRequest.

Package Description

Implementations of the various javascript host objects - users of HtmlUnit shouldn't need anything in this package.

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