Interface ScriptableWithFallbackGetter

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Anchor, Button, FocusableHostElement, FormField, FrameSet, HTMLElement, HTMLFormElement, HTMLFrameElement, HTMLInputElement, HTMLOptionsCollection, HTMLSelectElement, HTMLTextAreaElement, Image, Option, RowContainer, Script, Table, TableBody, TableCell, TableFooter, TableHeader, TableRow, Window

public interface ScriptableWithFallbackGetter
extends org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable

Provides a clean way to specify a fallback property getter when the "normal way" failed. Most properties are "cleanly" defined but some host objects like Document or Window are able to return a value that has not been configured has property (ex: the DOM node which id or name match the property name.

$Revision: 1.3 $
Marc Guillemot

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object getWithFallback(java.lang.String name)
 Fallback called when no configured property is found with the given name on the Scriptable object.
Methods inherited from interface org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable
delete, delete, get, get, getClassName, getDefaultValue, getIds, getParentScope, getPrototype, has, has, hasInstance, put, put, setParentScope, setPrototype

Method Detail


java.lang.Object getWithFallback(java.lang.String name)
Fallback called when no configured property is found with the given name on the Scriptable object.

name - the name of the requested property
the object value, Scriptable.NOT_FOUND if nothing is found

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