Package com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.javascript

Classes in this package are specific for the javascript engine - users of HtmlUnit shouldn't need anything in this package.


Interface Summary
ScriptableWithFallbackGetter Provides a clean way to specify a fallback property getter when the "normal way" failed.

Class Summary
DebugFrameImpl HtmlUnit's implementation of the DebugFrame interface, which logs stack entries as well as exceptions.
DebuggerImpl HtmlUnit's implementation of the Debugger interface, which registers DebugFrameImpl instances with Rhino for each new execution frame created.
HTMLCollection An array of elements.
HTMLOptionsCollection This is the array returned by the "options" property of Select.
HtmlUnitContextFactory ContextFactory that supports termination of scripts if they exceed a timeout.
HtmlUnitWrapFactory Called by Rhino to Wrap Object as Scriptable.
IEConditionalCompilationScriptPreProcessor A basic implementation for IE Conditional Compilation.
JavaScriptEngine A wrapper for the Rhino javascript engine that provides browser specific features.
MethodWrapper Wraps a java method to make it available as a javascript function (more flexible than Rhino's FunctionObject.
ScriptableWrapper Simple wrapper to make "normal" object scriptable according to specific configuration and allowing use of index properties.
SimpleScriptable A javascript object for a Location
StrictErrorHandler An error handler that throws an exception for all problems no matter how minor.
StrictErrorReporter A javascript error reporter that will log all warnings and errors, no matter how trivial.
StringPrimitivePrototypeBugFixer Implements a workaround for Rhino bug

Error Summary
TimeoutError An error that is thrown when a script has been running too long.

Package com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.javascript Description

Classes in this package are specific for the javascript engine - users of HtmlUnit shouldn't need anything in this package.

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