Automated Software Test Management
This tutorial provides a brief introduction to the various features of the AppPerfect Test Manager using a set of hands-on practice exercises. To complete few of the exercises we need a client product from AppPerfect, for this tutorial we will use AppPerfect Load Test. This tutorial assumes you have successfully downloaded and installed AppPerfect Test Manager and AppPerfect Load Test on your machine with the default options. Apart from this pre-requisite, this tutorial is self contained. Instructions given below are Windows-specific; if you are using a non-Windows machine, please use equivalent commands/instructions.
This document is divided into various sections:
- AppPerfect Test Manager
- AppPerfect Load Test
- Both
Within each section, multiple exercises are listed. Each exercise forms a logical unit which is expected to take no more than a few minutes to perform. All exercises use the PetStore demo application running inside Apache Tomcat. The modified PetStore application and Tomcat are both bundled with AppPerfect Load Test product.
All exercises assume you have installed AppPerfect Test Manager product in C:\AppPerfect\TestManager folder and AppPerfect Load Test product in C:\AppPerfect\LoadTest folder. The install location of Test Manager will be referred as TESTMANAGER_HOME and install location of Load Test will be referred as LOADTEST_HOME henceforth in tutorial. If you have installed the products in some other folders, modify the instructions below appropriately.
This tutorial is not intended as a comprehensive training guide. Please refer to the product documentation for detailed information. However, this tutorial will give you a very good overview of the products and substantially improve your productivity with the product.
Login to Test Manager (web interface)
By default AppPerfect Test Manager is configured to run as a service, hence it will start when the OS starts and stops when OS shuts down. However, server can be started/stopped manually using Start -> Programs ->AppPerfect Test Manager -> AppPerfect Service -> Start / Stop respectively. you can verify that the server is running by selecting Start -> Programs -> AppPerfect Test Manager Login. This should start a browser and fire a URL http://localhost:8944/AppTestManager which will show you a Login page.
Exercise 1: Login to Test Manager
Action:- On Windows
- Launch the web interface using Start -> Programs -> AppPerfect Test Manager x.x.x -> AppPerfect Test Manager Login
- A Browser window will open with the fields 'Username' and 'Password'.
- When the server is installed, there exists one super user "administrator". Enter the username as administrator. The password of this user is provided by you during installation of the server. Enter the password in password text field. Click on Login button.
- On successful login in to the server, you will see dashboard view. You are advised to view all the links to have a fair idea of the features provided by AppPerfect Test Manager.
Action:- On Linux
- Launch the web interface using by opening the shortcuts folder AppPerfect_Test_Manager and double-click AppPerfect Test Manager Login
- A Browser window will open with the fields 'Username' and 'Password'.
- When the server is installed, there exists one super user "administrator". Enter the username as administrator. The password of this user is provided by you during installation of the server. Enter the password in password text field. Click on Login button.
- On successful login in to the server, you will see dashboard view. You are advised to view all the links to have a fair idea of the features provided by AppPerfect Test Manager.
Creating User Project
Here you can configure project for which you want to use AppPerfect products. For the purpose of tutorial we will use the built-in PetStore web application. You can specify Build, Version etc. of of your project which you want to test.
Exercise 1: Create User Project
- Select Projects link from top navigation bar.
- Click on Add button, you will see a wizard like screen where you can add required details about your project/application.
- Enter PetStore as your project's name. Enter summary and description as Test Manager tutorial using PetStore. Please select the checkbox Allow users to add Bugs for project & Allow users to add Test Requirements for project as we will be adding test requirements to our PetStore project.
- Provide other details if you wish and click on Next button.
- Each project can have multiple modules/components. One can specify Project Components in this step.
- Select Add button in Components row. A form will come up in the same row.
- Enter Login as the component name & in description enter This components tests Login module of PetStore application.
- Select Save. You will find Login row present in component's table. Similarly add Cart Operations and Check Out components to the project.
- Verify the entries added and finally on Finish button.
- You will be taken back to Projects list view and you will see just added project in the list. You will also get an info message PetStore created successfully. below navigation bar.
- You can view details of project by clicking on project name link.
Creating Test Requirements
Before we perform load testing on this PetStore application we will define certain test requirements.
Exercise 1: Adding Requirements
- Select Requirements link from top navigation bar.
- Click on Add button, you will see a wizard like screen where you can add required requirement details.
- Enter the requirement name as Login and select its status as "Open".
- In the project combo box (6th row from top) select PetStore. In the same row, next column we have project component. By default a requirement is not associated to any project component. In that combo, select Login.
- Provide appropriate summary and details of this requirement. We should provide as much details as possible for this requirement. Now click on Next button and finally on Finish button.
- You will be taken back to Requirements list view and you will see just added requirement in the list.
- Similarly add two more requirements say Add Birds to Cart and Purchase birds under Cart Operations and Check Out groups respectively.
- You can view details of requirement by clicking on requirement name link.
Now we will move to AppPerfect Load Test application to create a project so that it meets our requirements. We will come back to linking these requirements with the groups in the project once it is saved to server database.
Configuring AppPerfect Load Test with AppPerfect Test Manager
In AppPerfect Load Test, you can integrate reports & results management feature provided by AppPerfect Test Manager by providing Test Manager settings.
Exercise 1: Launch AppPerfect Load Test
- Click on Start -> Programs ->AppPerfect Load Test x.x.x -> AppPerfect Load Test
- On launching AppPerfect Load Test a Workspace Launcher dialog will be shown. Please leave the default value and select the check box "Use this as the default and do not ask again". Click OK to continue.
- On start of product AppPerfect Load Test a Welcome page will be displayed. Go through the brief description
given for product
NB: Welcome page is displayed only when Load Test x.x.x is launched first time and when last time no project was opened.
Exercise 2: Specifying Test Manager settings
- Launch the Preferences dialog by clicking Tools ->Options... menu option. The Preferences dialog will be launched with Load Test node selected in the tree.
- Select Server Connection node. Here you can configure Test Manager settings, Repository settings and built-in service settings. We will configure Test Manager settings.
- Select the checkbox Use Test Manager for Reports/Results management. This will enable UI elements present in the next row. In the second text field enter the host name or IP address on which Test Manager is installed and running. Since for this tutorial its running locally, we will provide localhost. In the third text field provide 8944.
- Select Validate Settings button next to it. If the settings are proper, it will show a message Test Manager information provided is correct.
Creating Project
Exercise 1: Creating a Project
- Launch the Project Wizard by clicking File ->New... menu option. The New Project wizard will be launched.
- Keep the default project name and location for the purpose of this exercise. Click on the OK button.
- A confirmation message saying that the project is saved will be displayed. Click on the OK button.
Now using this Project we will create tests to demonstrate the functionality of AppPerfect Load Test for Web Applications
AppPerfect Load Test
NB: Please follow the steps provided in the Creating Project section to first create a Project, then proceed further.
Exercise 1: Define a Load Test project
- Once the Project is successfully created another dialog "Define Project Properties" will be displayed.
- Keep the default settings as shown in this dialog i.e., Test Duration:1min, Load Type:Burst, Virtual Users:10.
- Go through the description given for Burst load type at the bottom.
- Review other settings in the Panel and click on the OK button to close this dialog.
- Click through all the menu items to familiarize yourself with the available features and how to access them. Viewing through all menu items will give a reasonable overview of the application.
- Click Help -> Table of Contents menu item to see AppPerfect Load Test product documentation
- Open the Preferences dialog by selecting the menu option Tools -> Options...
- Review the default settings for Load Test and click the OK button to close the dialog.
Exercise 2: Recording a Test
The empty project has three groups viz; StartingGroup, ActionGroup1 and EndingGroup. These groups are intended to
provide categorization of tasks as per the nature of the group. As the names suggest, while performing any task online it typically involves
startup actions like Login in to the server, etc. Then you perform some actions like buy, sell, view etc and finally you logout from the server.
It is a good idea to record the startup actions in StartingGroup, all your actions in ActionGroup1 and final action of Logout in EndingGroup.
The advantage of doing this are many, but the most significant one is, when the test is replayed for a certain duration
(say 1 minute), at the end of this duration Load Test will stop executing the subsequent tasks, instead it will complete tasks in
that group and then execute the EndingGroup before stopping the test. This ensures that a configured user is not left
logged into the server which may cause security issues.
AppPerfect Load Test comes with a built-in tomcat server containing PetStore web application. We will record tests such that
actions up to Login are recorded in StartingGroup, buying of pets is done in ActionGroup1 and finally user is logged of in EndingGroup.
- Start tomcat server by selecting Start->Programs->AppPerfect Load Test x.x.x->Documentation and Examples->Examples->Tomcat running PetStore->Start Server.
- To start recording, click on Project -> Record test... in the menu bar.'
- 'Record a test' dialog will be displayed. Select StartingGroup1 from the Group combo. Provide starting URL as "http://localhost:8396/petstore". In Authentication drop down select "Basic Authentication". Specify Username as "j2ee" and password as "j2ee". Click on 'Start recording' button to start recording test.
- An instance of Microsoft Internet Explorer will be launched with the PetStore home page loaded. Click on enter the store link. This will populate the database and display the PetStore main page. Note that populating the database might take some time.
- Click on Sign-in link located at top-right.
- This will bring up a page through which you can login if you are already signed up as a customer. Select "Submit" in the first group.
- Now go back to recording dialog and change the group to ActionGroup1.
- Click on each link on the left: Birds, Reptiles, Dogs, Cats, Fish
- Order an item by clicking on: Birds -> Amazon Parrot -> Adult Male Amazon Parrot -> Add to cart
- Now go back to recording dialog and change the group to EndingGroup.
- Check out by clicking on the Check Out link and place the order
- Sign out of PetStore by clicking on Sign-out at top right of screen.
- Close browser by clicking on File -> Close in the browser window.
- Click on the Stop button of "Record a test" dialog to stop the recording session.
- Click on Close button to close the 'Record a test' dialog.
- The URLs navigated will be displayed under StartingGroup, ActionGroup1 and EndingGroup.
- Click through each Tasks to view its details on the panel on the right.
Exercise 3: Saving this test in Test Manager
- To save the test with Test Manager, click on File -> Save in Test Manager from the menubar.
- You will get a message "Project saved in Test Manager.
Linking requirements with tests/groups
Exercise 1: Link Login Requirement with StartingGroup of PetStore project
- Launch the web interface using Start -> Programs -> AppPerfect Test Manager -> AppPerfect Test Manager Login. You we see a login page where in you can provide the username & password.
- When the server is installed, there exists one super user "administrator". Enter the username as administrator. The password of this user is provided by you during installation of the server. Enter the password in password text field. Select Login button.
- On successful login in to the server, you will see dashboard view.
- Select Tests link from top menu. You will see NewProject entry present in the list.
- Select the checkbox besides the Test. This will enable Edit button. Select Edit button
- Select PetStore from the project combo box (4th row from top). This will enable New Link Requirement below it.
- Select "New Linked Requirement" button. A link requirement form will be seen in the same row.
- Select Login from the requirement combo box.
- Select StartingGroup and press ">>" button to move the selected group to right hand list.
- Select Save to linked requirement.
- Once again select "New Linked Requirement" button. A link requirement form will be seen in the same row.
- Select Add Birds to Cart from the requirement combo box.
- Select ActionGroup1 and press ">>" button to move the selected group to right hand list.
- Select Save to linked requirement.
- Once again select "New Linked Requirement" button. A link requirement form will be seen in the same row.
- Select Check Out from the requirement combo box.
- Select EndingGroup and press ">>" button to move the selected group to right hand list.
- Select Save to linked requirement.
- We have linked all our 3 requirements with 3 groups of Load Test test. Select Next and finally select Finish.
- You will be taken back to Test list view. You will also get an info message NewProject saved successfully. below navigation bar.
Exercise 3: Executing a test
- To execute the test, click on Project -> Run from the menubar.
- The focus will be shifted to Status tab. Here the current status of the test execution will be displayed. Various test metrics such as response time, virtual user count, etc. are continuously refreshed in the charts.
- The test will run for 1 minute as specified when project was created.
- Stop running tomcat server by selecting Start->Programs->AppPerfect Load Test x.x.x->Documentation and Examples->Examples->Tomcat running PetStore->Stop Server.
Exercise 4: View and analyze result. Save result to database (Test Manager database)
- Once the test is completed, the test results will be displayed in the "Results" tab and result summary data is displayed in the main window on the right.
- Since no error was detected during our test execution, the result of our test execution was "Successful". Additional details about hit count, etc. is also displayed.
- View various result summaries by clicking on the items in the tree on the left in the Results tab
- We should save the test execution results to Test Manager database for further report & results management. To save the result to database, click on File -> Result -> Save in Database from the menubar. You will get a message "Result saved in database".
Auto-updation of requirement status on project execution
Exercise 1: Check auto updation of requirement status in Test Manager on execution of test in AppPerfect Load Test
- We already have LoadTest open and NewProject open in it. If not, perform next 2 steps.
- Click on Start -> Programs ->AppPerfect Load Test x.x.x -> AppPerfect Load Test
- This will open the earlier project NewProject
- Start tomcat server by selecting Start->Programs->AppPerfect Load Test x.x.x->Documentation and Examples->Examples->Tomcat running PetStore->Start Server.
- To execute the test, click on Project -> Run from the menubar.
- Once the test is completed, the test results will be displayed in the "Results" tab and result summary data is displayed in the main window on the right.
- We should save the test execution results to Test Manager for further report & results management. To save the result to Test Manager, click on File -> Result -> Save in Test Manager from the menubar. You will get a message "Result saved in Test Manager".
- Launch the web interface using Start -> Programs -> AppPerfect Test Manager -> AppPerfect Test Manager Login. You we see a login page where in you can provide the username & password.
- When the server is installed, there exists one super user "administrator". Enter the username as administrator. The password of this user is provided by you during installation of the server. Enter the password in password text field. Select Login button.
- On successful login in to the server, you will see a dashboard view.
- Select Requirements link from top navigation bar.
- View the status of all the Requirements we added. It would have been changed to "RESOLVED" as our project executed successfully without any task failures.
Concluding Remarks
We greatly appreciate your effort in completing this tutorial. We hope it has given you a good overview of the various products and their features. While it may seem a lot, going through this tutorials a couple of times will give you a solid footing not only with the software but also with the underlying functional concepts of software testing.
There were a lot of features which were not covered by this tutorials, including
- Scheduling
- Notifications
- Report generation
- Bugs management
- Administration
Please refer to the product documentation for additional details on all product features.
We are always eager to hear your feedback regarding the product, the documentation, the tutorial or any other issue related to the product. Please provide us your feedback at support(at)