Online Tutorials
AppPerfect provides a number of hands-on tutorials to help you understand our products. Please visit AppPerfect Tutorials Home for a list of available tutorials.
Online demos
AppPerfect provides a number of online demos to highlight product features. Please visit AppPerfect Online Demos Home for a list of available demos
Online documentation
If you are a new user of AppPerfect, or are new to the latest version of AppPerfect products, we strongly recommend you to go through the online documentation to better understand the products.
Reporting Bugs/Enhancements
Submit a bug/enhancement report online. This is the most efficient means of contacting AppPerfect Support.
Contact AppPerfect Support:
You can reach AppPerfect Technical Support by either phone or e-mail. Please
use the following information to contact AppPerfect Support. We are located in Cupertino, California, USA.
Our normal business hours are 8 AM to 5 PM Pacific Time Monday to Friday.
Phone : 408-252-4100
E-mail: support(at)