Performance and Functional Testing

We have tons of experience in Performance and Cloud hosted testing for large consumer companies. We have successfully executed large number of projects on automated testing with Unit, Functional, Performance, Scalability & Reliability and Integration testing

  • Overview
  • Recent Projects

Performance & Functional Testing

Before your business application can go into production from development & get started being used by users, it should undergo a number of testing procedures. On a broader basis, testing can be categorised into Performance Testing / Load Testing and Functional Testing. The names are intuitive of their work.

Performance testing tests the product's behavior under serious loads. This load can be measured in terms of number of users which the application can handle, the amount of data it can process and avail, etc.

Peak Load is not the only criteria for testing the performance of an application. Performance testing, also known as Stress Testing also considers a medium amount of load for a longer period of time.

Functional Testing tests the functions of the application. Say, you have an application where user logs in to his account and then navigates to his profile. There he has an option to change his email id. Since you are availing that feature, you need to be sure that email id is verified before it is replaced in the database. You need to be able to change the email id after verification. This is just a simple function out of thousands of functions performed by an application.

Functional Testing involves testing not only such functionalities but also thousands of many other functionalities offered by the application.

There are a number of Automation Tools available in the market which provide such Performance Testing / Load Testing / Stress Testing and Functional Testing. They can test the performance and functionalities to an extent but each application has its own environment and variables. This calls for custom testing by not using the readily available tools so that the application is tested not only for standard cases but also for application specific cases.

Challenges with Testing Services

An application which crashes in production or is not able to serve all the users gives a user a bad experience. A new user might never again use that application or an old user who has been bearing with the application might stop using the application. No worries, AppPerfect Performance Testing and Functional Testing services will never let you down ensuring uptimes and reliability.

An application needs to be tested thoroughly covering all possible permutations and combinations of all functionalities and performance parameters. Even if a single possibility gets left out, it can cause harm to the application business.

Every project grows with the expansion of business demanding the need for Regression Testing. Issues can arise with current working functionalities & added functions which can introduce unnoticed bugs in the application.

There is also a time constraint on the testing of the application. A good test not only involves a thorough testing but it should be completed within a given limited time frame. The testing requirements of the application need to be understood to ensure that the application is tested properly.

AppPerfect Application Performance & Functional Testing Services

We at AppPerfect provide comprehensive performance testing and functional testing services. We have years of experience in testing field.

We have developed products for automated testing which are used by many top companies to test their applications.

With such a strong base, we know what is the testing demand of the application. We know the weak spots of the applications and how to improve them to provide reliability for the longest term.

Following are the two complete domains of testing for any kind of application be it Mobile Application, Web Application or Desktop Application :

Our major performance and functional testing areas are :

  • Web Application Testing : A web application needs to be tested for its functionality, for regressions upon modification, display appropriateness and responsiveness, cross browser support, validation of response sent under different cases and many more.
  • Web Services Testing : Web services using SOAP, REST or JSON are at the heart of any web application. It is needed to be assured that these services never fail under any circumstance or they would provide a bad end user experience.
  • Database Testing : Databases are heterogeneous i.e. they do not store same type of data. Therefore, errors can occur on integrating and/or implementing large database systems which in turn can effect the availability, consistency, reliability, security and thus the overall system performance.
  • Mobile Application Load Testing : Mobile Application Load Testing is the process by which applications designed for hand held devices be them Android devices or iOS devices, are tested for performance of the application or the load parameters. We also provide Web Applications testing for mobile devices for accessibility, responsiveness, functionality & performance.
  • Distributed Testing : Test your applications for performance, integration, communication and reliability by distributing the load on various servers where the application is deployed.
  • Cloud Hosted Testing : Cloud Testing allows companies to automate and speed up the Load Testing and Functional testing of their web application using real-world user traffic over the Cloud platform providing you all you require for web testing, leaving you to concentrate on your core business needs.
  • Mobile Application Functional Testing : Mobile Application Functional Testing is done to validate that each and every component of the application is working as expected.
  • Cross Browser Testing : Test web applications across multiple browsers. Cross browser testing involves checking compatibility of your application across multiple web browsers and ensures that your web application works correctly across different web browsers.
  • Web Functional Testing : Web Functional testing is a process to test Web applications to detect if your web application is functionally correct. It involves carrying set of tasks and comparing the result of same with the expected output and ability to repeat same set of tasks multiple times with different data input and same level of accuracy.

Key features :

  • Real time performance monitoring for services, software, Hardware and infrastructure.
  • Designing & implementing adhoc performance testing scripts for comprehensive coverage.
  • Simulate huge traffic with multiple run strategies, user-agents & diverse geographic locations over cloud.
  • Quick Reporting and historical analysis tools to complement the performance engineering solutions.
  • Preparing for critical launch events and unexpected traffic surges.
  • Run time Profiling to identify critical bottlenecks and virtualization of services.
  • Sizing & fine tuning runtime & system parameters based on performance test result analysis.
Some Recent Projects :

  • Infrastructure Performance Engineering
  • Performance / Scalability / Reliability Testing
  • End-to-end - Design, Script, Execute, Report
  • Splunk based monitoring / analysis
  • Special Events / Product launch site preparedness
  • Service-level testing - 300 Unique Web Services
  • Runtime application Profiling
  • Build and maintain Service Virtualization infrastructure
  • Integration testing with ERP, SCM, CMS, payment processors, partners
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