
April 1, 2017

Fifty Shades of Performance Test

“Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation, there is sure to be failure” – Confucius

I have just one question for you. Are you ready for the next festival season? The festival season is coming in a few days. Is your website or application is ready for this? Have you prepared your website for the performance test? If the answer to these questions is NO then nobody can save you. Because your website is not ready for the large rush at the time of the festival season. At that point in time if your website performs well then you will get more profit otherwise you will lose your sales and also your brand reputation will be degraded.

Why do Performance Test?

The Performance Test is one and the only solution to ensure reliability, scalability, stability and speed of your website or application. These factors play a massive role for the big game like festival or holiday season. By running performance test with the help of good performance testing tools on your website or application you can get the information about the application regarding speed, stability, and scalability. The primary goal of the performance test is not to find bugs or issue but to eliminate performance bottlenecks present in your application. Web site released to market with inadequate performance metrics due to nonexistent or poor performance testing are likely to earn a bad reputation and fail to meet proposed sales goals.

Parameter for the Performance Test

Here in my blog “Fifty Shades of Performance Test” I am going to tell you about the parameter and metrics which must be considered while performing the performance test. Let’s have a look:

Load time: Load time is normally the initial time it takes an application to start. Therefore it must be kept minimum if possible.

Response time: A slow application that crashes or has a high response time leaves the user unsatisfied. Customers simply have no patience to sit around and wait.

Poor scalability: An application or website suffers from poor scalability when it is unable to handle the expected number of users. Load testing must be done to be sure the application can handle the anticipated number of users.

Bottlenecking: Bottlenecks are obstacles in a system which degrade overall system performance. The key to fixing a bottlenecking issue is to find the area of code that is causing the slowdown. Some common performance bottlenecks are Memory utilization, CPU utilization, Disk usage, Operating System limitations, Network utilization.

Other than this, here are the list of the performance parameter for the performance test. Let’s have a look:

  • Memory Usage
  • Disk Read/Write Time
  • Disk Usage
  • Bandwidth
  • Processor Usage
  • Page Faults/Second
  • Disk Queue Length
  • Committed Memory
  • Memory Pages/Second
  • Network Output Queue Length
  • Network Bytes/Second
  • Throughput
  • Amount of Connection Pool
  • Maximum Active Sessions
  • Hit Ratios
  • Hits/Second
  • Top waits
  • Database Locks
  • Thread Counts
  • Garbage Collection

Performance Testing Tools

If your website or application is going to take a big hit in this upcoming festival season. Therefore, if you have not considered any website performance or load testing tool then it is the right time. You must use one of the tools which fit your requirements. You can prefer the blog "Performance Testing Tools" for choosing a right tool. Therefore, think wisely and choose wisely. You can use AppPerfect Load Test for the load and performance testing of your application or website. Hence, If you have a website or application and you are committed to defect free service then I suggest not to take any risk and test your site with AppPerfect Load Test.

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