Class MockWebConnection

  extended by com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebConnectionImpl
      extended by com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.MockWebConnection
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MockWebConnection
extends WebConnectionImpl

A fake WebConnection designed to mock out the actual http connections.

$Revision: 1.3 $
Mike Bowler, Noboru Sinohara, Marc Guillemot, Brad Clarke, Ahmed Ashour

Constructor Summary
MockWebConnection(WebClient webClient)
 Create an instance
Method Summary
 java.util.Map getLastAdditionalHeaders()
 Return the additional headers that were used in the in the last call to getResponse(WebRequestSettings).
 SubmitMethod getLastMethod()
 Return the method that was used in the last call to submitRequest()
 java.util.List getLastParameters()
 Return the parameters that were used in the last call to submitRequest()
 WebRequestSettings getLastWebRequestSettings()
 Return the WebRequestSettings that was used in the in the last call to getResponse(WebRequestSettings).
 WebResponse getResponse(WebRequestSettings webRequestSettings)
 Submit a request and retrieve a response
 org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpState getState()
 Return the HttpState
 void setDefaultResponse(byte[] content, int statusCode, java.lang.String statusMessage, java.lang.String contentType)
 Set the response that will be returned when a url is requested that does not have a specific content set for it.
 void setDefaultResponse(java.lang.String content)
 Set the response that will be returned when a url is requested that does not have a specific content set for it.
 void setDefaultResponse(java.lang.String content, int statusCode, java.lang.String statusMessage, java.lang.String contentType)
 Set the response that will be returned when a url is requested that does not have a specific content set for it.
 void setResponse( url, byte[] content, int statusCode, java.lang.String statusMessage, java.lang.String contentType, java.util.List responseHeaders)
 Set the response that will be returned when the specified url is requested.
 void setResponse( url, java.lang.String content)
 Convenience method that is the same as calling setResponse(URL,String,int,String,String,List) with a status of "200 OK", a content type of "text/html" and no additional headers.
 void setResponse( url, java.lang.String content, int statusCode, java.lang.String statusMessage, java.lang.String contentType, java.util.List responseHeaders)
 Set the response that will be returned when the specified url is requested.
 void setResponse( url, java.lang.String content, java.lang.String contentType)
 Convenience method that is the same as calling setResponse(URL,String,int,String,String,List) with a status of "200 OK" and no additional headers.
 void setResponseAsGenericHtml( url, java.lang.String title)
 Specify a generic html page that will be returned when the given url is specified.
Methods inherited from class com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebConnectionImpl
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MockWebConnection(WebClient webClient)
Create an instance

webClient - The web client
Method Detail


public java.util.Map getLastAdditionalHeaders()
Return the additional headers that were used in the in the last call to getResponse(WebRequestSettings).

See above


public SubmitMethod getLastMethod()
Return the method that was used in the last call to submitRequest()

See above


public java.util.List getLastParameters()
Return the parameters that were used in the last call to submitRequest()

See above


public WebRequestSettings getLastWebRequestSettings()
Return the WebRequestSettings that was used in the in the last call to getResponse(WebRequestSettings).

See above


public WebResponse getResponse(WebRequestSettings webRequestSettings)
Submit a request and retrieve a response

Specified by:
getResponse in interface WebConnection
Specified by:
getResponse in class WebConnectionImpl
webRequestSettings - Settings to make the request with
See above
Throws: - (only for extending classes)


public org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpState getState()
Return the HttpState

Specified by:
getState in interface WebConnection
Specified by:
getState in class WebConnectionImpl
The state.


public void setDefaultResponse(byte[] content,
                               int statusCode,
                               java.lang.String statusMessage,
                               java.lang.String contentType)
Set the response that will be returned when a url is requested that does not have a specific content set for it.

content - The content to return
statusCode - The status code to return
statusMessage - The status message to return
contentType - The content type to return


public void setDefaultResponse(java.lang.String content)
Set the response that will be returned when a url is requested that does not have a specific content set for it.

content - The content to return


public void setDefaultResponse(java.lang.String content,
                               int statusCode,
                               java.lang.String statusMessage,
                               java.lang.String contentType)
Set the response that will be returned when a url is requested that does not have a specific content set for it.

content - The content to return
statusCode - The status code to return
statusMessage - The status message to return
contentType - The content type to return


public void setResponse( url,
                        byte[] content,
                        int statusCode,
                        java.lang.String statusMessage,
                        java.lang.String contentType,
                        java.util.List responseHeaders)
Set the response that will be returned when the specified url is requested.

url - The url that will return the given response
content - The content to return
statusCode - The status code to return
statusMessage - The status message to return
contentType - The content type to return
responseHeaders - A list of KeyValuePairs that will be returned as response headers.


public void setResponse( url,
                        java.lang.String content)
Convenience method that is the same as calling setResponse(URL,String,int,String,String,List) with a status of "200 OK", a content type of "text/html" and no additional headers.

url - The url that will return the given response
content - The content to return


public void setResponse( url,
                        java.lang.String content,
                        int statusCode,
                        java.lang.String statusMessage,
                        java.lang.String contentType,
                        java.util.List responseHeaders)
Set the response that will be returned when the specified url is requested.

url - The url that will return the given response
content - The content to return
statusCode - The status code to return
statusMessage - The status message to return
contentType - The content type to return
responseHeaders - A list of KeyValuePairs that will be returned as response headers.


public void setResponse( url,
                        java.lang.String content,
                        java.lang.String contentType)
Convenience method that is the same as calling setResponse(URL,String,int,String,String,List) with a status of "200 OK" and no additional headers.

url - The url that will return the given response
content - The content to return
contentType - The content type to return


public void setResponseAsGenericHtml( url,
                                     java.lang.String title)
Specify a generic html page that will be returned when the given url is specified. The page will contain only minimal html to satisfy the html parser but will contain the specified title so that tests can check for titleText.

url - The url that will return the given response
title - The title of the page

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