Interface WinRadioButton

All Superinterfaces:
IScript, WinObject

public interface WinRadioButton
extends WinObject

WinRadioButton element can be created using createWinRadioButton API of IScriptEngine interface. The return value is an instance of WinRadioButton interface. Once WinRadioButton is created, you can play events on it. Apart from events supported on WinObject, WinRadioButton also supports events mentioned below.

See Also:

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface com.appperfect.devcommon.script.windowelement.WinObject
micLineNext, micLinePrev, micPageNext, micPagePrev, micScrollEnd, micScrollStart, micSetPos
Method Summary
 boolean select()
 To select the radio button
Methods inherited from interface com.appperfect.devcommon.script.windowelement.WinObject
accDoDefaultAction, activate, addAttribute, captureImage, click, close, dblClick, deSelect, deSelectItem, drag, drop, extendSelect, extendSelectItem, get_accChildCount, get_accDescription, get_accHeight, get_accHelp, get_accKeyboardShortcut, get_accLocationLeft, get_accLocationTop, get_accName, get_accRole, get_accState, get_accValue, get_accWidth, getItem, getItems, getItemsCount, getSelectedItem, getSelectedItems, getText, hScroll, maximize, minimize, mouseMove, restore, rightClick, select, selectItem, selectRange, selectRangeItem, setBreakPoint, setIgnored, setImagePath, setRecordedWhileShowingSSLCertificate, setThinkTime, setTitle, type, vScroll, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.appperfect.devcommon.script.IScript
getReasonForFailure, isIgnored, isTaskSuccessful, isTaskTimedOut, setReasonForFailure, setTaskSuccessful, setTaskTimedout, setTimeout

Method Detail


boolean select()
To select the radio button

true if success, false otherwise

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