Interface WinListView

All Superinterfaces:
IScript, WinObject

public interface WinListView
extends WinObject

WinListView element can be created using createWinListView API of IScriptEngine interface. The return value is an instance of WinListView interface. Once WinListView is created, you can play events on it. Apart from events supported on WinObject, WinListView also supports events mentioned below.

See Also:

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface com.appperfect.devcommon.script.windowelement.WinObject
micLineNext, micLinePrev, micPageNext, micPagePrev, micScrollEnd, micScrollStart, micSetPos
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getCellData(long row, long column)
 To get the text data of the specified (report style) listview row, column,
 int getColumnCount()
 To get the number of columns in the (report style) listview object.
 java.lang.String getColumnHeader(int index)
 To get the text header of the specified (report style) listview column,
Methods inherited from interface com.appperfect.devcommon.script.windowelement.WinObject
accDoDefaultAction, activate, addAttribute, captureImage, click, close, dblClick, deSelect, deSelectItem, drag, drop, extendSelect, extendSelectItem, get_accChildCount, get_accDescription, get_accHeight, get_accHelp, get_accKeyboardShortcut, get_accLocationLeft, get_accLocationTop, get_accName, get_accRole, get_accState, get_accValue, get_accWidth, getItem, getItems, getItemsCount, getSelectedItem, getSelectedItems, getText, hScroll, maximize, minimize, mouseMove, restore, rightClick, select, selectItem, selectRange, selectRangeItem, setBreakPoint, setIgnored, setImagePath, setRecordedWhileShowingSSLCertificate, setThinkTime, setTitle, type, vScroll, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.appperfect.devcommon.script.IScript
getReasonForFailure, isIgnored, isTaskSuccessful, isTaskTimedOut, setReasonForFailure, setTaskSuccessful, setTaskTimedout, setTimeout

Method Detail


java.lang.String getCellData(long row,
                             long column)
To get the text data of the specified (report style) listview row, column,

row - zero-based index of the row
column - zero-based index of the column
cell data of specified row, column


int getColumnCount()
To get the number of columns in the (report style) listview object.

the number of columns in the (report style) listview object.


java.lang.String getColumnHeader(int index)
To get the text header of the specified (report style) listview column,

index - zero-based index of the column
column header text of specified column

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