Interface WebListItem

All Superinterfaces:
IScript, WebObject

public interface WebListItem
extends WebObject

WebListItem element can be created using createWebListItem API of IScriptEngine interface. The return value is an instance of WebListItem interface. Once WebListItem is created, you can play events on it. WebListItem supports exactly same events as WebObject

See Also:

Method Summary
Methods inherited from interface com.appperfect.devcommon.script.webelement.WebObject
addAttribute, click, dblClick, mouseMove, rightClick, set, setBreakPoint, setExactMatchForAttributesComparision, setIgnored, setImagePath, setThinkTime, setTitle, submit, type, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.appperfect.devcommon.script.IScript
getReasonForFailure, isIgnored, isTaskSuccessful, isTaskTimedOut, setReasonForFailure, setTaskSuccessful, setTaskTimedout, setTimeout

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