AppPerfect Web Test FAQ
What are the key features of the AppPerfect Web Test?
AppPerfect Web Test records all your actions in the Web browser and replays them
at a later point without your intervention. AppPerfect Web Test is used for functional and
regression testing on a continuous basis.
What kinds of applications can be tested using AppPerfect Web Test?
Most application that have a Web/html front end can be tested using AppPerfect Web Test.
Commonly tested applications are based on Java/JSP/Servlet, ASP, PHP, AJAX . In
addition, applications using Java applets and Macromedia Flash are also supported.
What are the different types of errors that can be detected using
AppPerfect Web Test?
The following types of errors can be detected:
- Whether the recorded test is replayed successfully.
- Web Test detects any changes in the page content. (DOM
Validation (Entire page validation)/ Element validation/ Text validation)
- URL validation
- URL Parameter validation
- Event Validation (Whether the recorded events gets replayed or not)
- Iteration-wise reponse validation (You can use Parametratization to
pass different set of values for each iteration)
How are parameters created and handled?
Most Web applications are dynamic in nature and work interactively with
the user's data. User data is communicated to the application by means of
parameters. Parameters can either by passed via a URL or as part of the Http
header of the request. AppPerfect provides extensive support for defining and
using parameters. Once a test is recorded, AppPerfect stores all parameters
into the project as a property/value pair. Click on the "Parameters" node in
the Editor to manage parameters.
What are dynamic parameters? How do they work?
A dynamic parameter is a parameter whose value is not know at test design
time. An example of a dynamic parameter is a session ID. A unique session ID
is generated once you log in to your server. AppPerfect supports defining
such dynamic parameter and tying its value to either a returned value in the
http header or in the URL.
My dynamic menus are not being recorded and replayed. What do I do?
Most dynamic menus are implemented using the "MouseOver" event in
JavaScript. By default, this event is NOT recorded. You must manually select
recording this event by selecting Tools -> Options -> Web Test -> Auto Detect mouse-over events on elements having mouse-over event handlers.
I want to run multiple iterations of my test, each with a
different set of parameter values. How do I do that?
These are the following ways in which you can access the Parameter Setting
- Select the URL node in the Editor tree and on right hand side Click the 'Parameters' tab. Here you can see the list of
parameters that have been encountered while recording the task. Click a
parameter name and then the button 'Parameterize'.
- You can also parameterize recorded attributes of element. Just select any element/event in the Editor tree and
select Attributes tab on right hand side window and parameterize the Attribute using the "Parameterize"
button provided.
- You can also parameterize arguments in event apis. Just select concerned event in the Editor tree and on right hand side Details tab look for Event arguments if any and parameterize the same using the "Parameterize"
button provided. Say for example in case you need to run test with differnt input values for set/type events, then you can parameterize the "text" argument in this case.
On clicking 'Parameterize' button a parameter settings dialog will be shown,
which will allow you to configure parameter value as constant or configurable test parameter. You can create new test parameter and associate it with URL Parameter/ Event argument/Attribute here.
I want to check for certain value in one of the elements
of the returned page to validate that the request was correctly processed.
How do I add such validation?
In the Editor view, click on the desired page. Click on the "Validation"
tab. Add validation by selecting the desired element in DOM tree.
I'm getting an error again and again.
I've tried everything, but I'm stuck. What should I do?
- Close the currently opened project if it is open. Stop and close the
application if it is running.
- Go to Tools ->Options-> Log Settings. Make sure the settings
selected for all the products is: Debug (not Fatal).
- Open the project. Perform the operations that are giving you the error.
The moment you get the error, stop all operations and send us the
following files:
- All files present in <WebTest_Home>\logs folder.
- Project file i.e. *.adt file of that project.
- Build number of the application. (Help->About AppPerfect...)