AppPerfect Test Manager is divided into seven sections:
Your project is a central point in AppPerfect Test Manager. This section allows you to define your application. Create a project with as much details as possible. Define each and every component of your application. Define your team members, project leader. You can define each and every version & builds created of your application here. You can define various keywords for your application. These keywords are helpful in searching your project.
To add a project, simply select Add button. You will see a wizard with default values.
To edit an existing project, select the checkbox and select Edit button. You will see a wizard with all field populated with existing values.
You will see this wizard when you add/edit a project. Project wizard has two tabs viz; General and Components. In General tab, Please provide project name, description, current status, team members etc. of project in this tab. You can upload all files related to your application viz; design document, project schedule etc. Please select if you want to allow users to add requirements & bugs for this project.
Please configure voting related information as well here.
Maximum Votes per bug is a value a person can put on a single bug. It should be some number lower than the "Maximum votes per person". Don't set this field to "0" if "Maximum votes per person" is non-zero.
Votes to confirm: is number of votes a bug in this project needs to automatically get out of the UNCONFIRMED state. Setting this field to "0" disables the automatic move of bugs from UNCONFIRMED to NEW.
In Components tab configure all the project components, versions and builds of your application. You can define various milestones of your application in this tab. You can define keywords of your application.
To delete projects, select the checkbox of all the projects you want to delete and select Delete button. You will get a confirmation message which when accepted will delete all the selected projects. Note: Deleting a project will also delete all its requirements, tests, bugs etc. You can instead mark a project as "inactive".
A project name in the list is link to view project details. You can view project details in this single view.