The Tools -> Options dialog box lets you specify a number of important properties to control Java Code Test behavior. Properties configured here are applied to all the projects in the test. Following is a description of the various tabs and properties found in them.
Number of Recent Project Files: Specify the number of project files to show in the most recently used menu list. The default is 5.
Number of Recent Result Files: Specify the number of result files to show in the most Recently used menu list. The default is 5.
Highlight Row/node on mouse over:This setting is for highlighting the current row you are browsing or the current node you are visiting in AppPerfect product.
Save Result: Define your results-save strategy here. You can configure to save result for each project run automatically or to save just last run of the project. Default value is to not save result automatically.
User Name: Shows the name of the user configured in AppPerfect Test Manager. Multiple users can be configured with AppPerfect Test Manager and each client AppPerfect product can use unique user name to submit results/ projects to Test Manager. This user name is used as identifier and is helpful in generating user based reports in Test Manager. In case connection to Test Manager is not configured Or if there is only single user configured in Test Manager then this field is un-editable.
To control the memory usage of application during execution you can configure Garbage collector settings here. AppPerfect takes care of forcing the garbage collection once the specified limit is reached. You can also configure how often AppPerfect should check for memory consumption.
You can set your own font for AppPerfect Java Code Test.
Application can be configured to check for new updates/release of the AppPerfect product. On finding one application notifies the user about the availability of same. Keeping this feature enabled ensures that you are using latest version of the product.
Here you can configure browser which application should use to open Help files and exported results/reports. You should have proper browser configured for application to work correctly.
Specify your JDK's name and path here. AppPerfect will use the default JDK specified at the time of installation. You may want to use other JDKs for your applications and those can be defined and used from here.
You can configure Database related properties like Database name, Connection URL, JDBC driver, User Name, password etc. here.
Specify how you want to configure rules tree a) Category wise or b) Severity wise.
While compiling your source code, if AppPerfect Code Test comes across a Syntax Error, then the action it should take can be specified here. The default action is 'Skip File(s)'.
Default Action: Upon encountering an error, the default action you want AppPerfect Code Test to take should be set here.
License related settings are done here. You can configure license for either single client machine or can configure the product to pick the license from Floating license server in case you have purchased Floating license. Floating licenses are managed using License Manager in AppPerfect Test Manager.
AppPerfect maintains logs of fatal exceptions for all the products. You can change this setting here to log all messages. This option is very useful for debugging purposes. It is recommended that you use this feature in case you are facing any issues with the product and send us the log files. By default log files are saved at: <AppPerfect_Home>/logs. You can configure to change the log path and save logs at different location.
AppPerfect Test Manager settings are done here. AppPerfect Test Manager provides functionality of requirement, project, results and issues management. It allows to schedule various project executions, view results, export them to various formats, add/manage test requirements and add/manage issues in the product. AppPerfect Test Manager by default runs on port 8744 and can be accessed as http://HOST_NAME:8744/AppTestManager.
Product related service settings are configured here. Each Java Code Test product also installs a product service which listens to requests from other Java Code Test product installations on remote machines while performing remote execution. This service by default runs on port 8794 and can be accessed as http://HOST_NAME:8794/AppService
AppPerfect Repository Settings is required to share AppPerfect projects across the team. AppPerfect provides support for Subversion(SVN) server for sharing projects across team. AppPerfect Repository server by default runs on port 8747 and can be accessed as svn://HOST_NAME:8747/AppRepository in case repository is created with "AppRepository" as the root folder. For complete details on configuration of Team or Repository Server refer to Team Server Configuration