
In this chapter we will explore all the settings from the Options link.


User: This field shows the user-name that was used to install the system. This value cannot be changed once the system is installed.

Company: This field shows the name of the company provided at the time of installation. This value cannot be changed once the system is installed.

Build ID: This field shows the Build ID of the AppPerfect Monitor Console you are using. You can quote this in any email to AppPerfect regarding support or suggestions.

License Key: Here, the License Key of the AppPerfect Monitor console can be seen. If you are using the evaluation version of the product, this field is blank. You can enter the License Key here once you have obtained it.

When the evaluation period expires, you will not be able to monitor any monitors. As soon as the new license key is submitted, AppPerfect Agentless Monitor can be used again.

Color Options

The colors used for the AppPerfect Monitor UI can be customized to suit your requirements and preferences.

Active tab You can change the color of the text and the background of the Active tab from here.
Inactive tab You can change the color of the text and the background of the Inactive tab from here.
Banner You can change the color of the text and the background of the Banner from here.
Monitor Tree You can change the color of the text and the background of the Monitor Tree from here.
Page You can change the color of the text and the background of all the Pages from here.
Text Font You can change the font style of the text in all the pages from here.
Font Size You can change the font size of the text in all the pages from here.

Select any color from the swatches in the window or custom build the color you want. To custom build the color enter the RGB values in the fields provided against Red, Green and Blue and click the Generate Color button. You can see the generated color below the Color Code.

To use the color click Select. If you are directly selecting from the swatches, click in the swatch and then Select.

Display Options

Using the display options you can customize the columns that are shown in all the tabs. Select the column headings that you want displayed in the tabs from the list of headings and only these will be shown when the page is accessed. For example, in the Users selection list there are several attributes available such as User ID, First Name, Last Name, Description, Email, Mobile, Phone and Status. By default, only User ID, First Name, Last Name and Status are displayed. Add the other remaining user options by selecting them from the list and clicking on '>'. Now when you will visit the Users page, you will see all the options displayed.

Note: Certain options are compulsory and cannot be removed from the list of selected options.

Options for Printing Reports

Default Settings

In the Default Settings you can customize the attributes for each element of the report viz: header, footer, details and so on...

Page Setup

Here you can set the page size, its orientation - whether portrait or landscape, page width, height and margins.

Page Border

Here you set the thickness and color for Page Border. Also you can select whether or not you want to show the border.

Page Number

Select the page numbering here. You can choose to set the page number from a number of formats and also customize its appearance.