When an alert is raised a notice is sent out to all the concerned users that a particular event has occurred and needs to be dealt with. This process is called notification. AppPerfect Monitor provides five modes of notification. They are:
- Email notification
- SMS notification
- Custom notification
- Log notification
- Database notification
- SNMP Trap notification
The preferred notification mode can be selected by enabling it and specifying the appropriate sender details.
Email notification
In case the notification is to be sent out in the form of an email then the following information is required.
- Sender's Name: User friendly name that will be seen when you receive a mail from AppPerfect Monitor as Sender.
- Sender's Address: The address that will be used to send out the email that is your email address For example,
- SMTP Server: The SMTP address of the mail server is to be entered here. For example,
- SMTP Port: The outgping SMTP port of the mail server is to be entered here. default is , 25
- Authentication: If the mail server requires authentication, authentication details are als required.
SMS notification
In case the notification is to be sent out in the from of an SMS then the following information is required.
- Sender's No: The phone number of the mobile that will be used to send the message.
- Serial Port: The port on which the mobile is connected.
- Manufacturer & Model: The manufacturer & model of the mobile.
- Baud rate: Baud rate of the mobile.
Custom notification
In case a custom program is to be executed as a notification then the following information is required.
- Custom program: Path of the custom program on the AppPerfect monitor machine.
Log notification
In case the notification is to be logged to a log file then the following information is required.
- Log file path: Path of the log file to which AppPerfect monitor should log the notification message.
Database notification
In case the notification is to be stored in a database then the following information is required.
- JDBC Driver: JDBC driver class name.
- Database URL: Database URL to which AppPerfect Monitor will connect to to store the message.
- User Name: username for connecting to database
- Password: password for connecting to database
- Driver JAR: Path of the jar file from which the driver class can be loaded.
- Database Table: Table in which message is to be stored.
- Database Column: column in the above table in which message will be stored.
SNMP Trap notification
In case the notification is to be sent as a SNMP Trap then the following information is required.
- Host name: Host name or IP Address which is listening to SNMP Traps.
- Port: Port on which it is listening for traps. Default is 162.
- Community: Community of the SNMP agent. Default is public.
- SNMP version: Select v1, v2 or v3
The rest of the properties are specific to SNMP v3 version, provide them if the selected version is v3.